
    Musawat building G/7-1 Zero Point, Islamabad

Christian Divorce

SNA have lots of Christian clients all over Pakistan and the Christian community trusts on our firm for the reason that they know that SNA Law Associates is the best law firm which is well equipped with the knowledge of Christian laws in Pakistan especially when it comes to the procedure of divorce in Christianity. Christian divorce in Pakistan is not the same as the divorce in Pakistan and the scope of Christian divorce in Pakistan is very limited. There are one few grounds on which the Christians can divorce their spouse and whatever ground is taken it needs to be proved. Grounds available for Christian divorce procedure in Pakistan is changing religion, Sodomy, 2nd marriage, Adultery etc. The reason of these limited scope is for the reason that Christian is not a contract like Muslims but is a religious sacrament. It is not necessary to provide direct evidence in case of Adultery because it is very difficult to prove however circumstantial evidence can be given and is admitted by the court. The courts of District judge have the jurisdiction to try cases of Christian divorce procedure in Pakistan and family courts are not empowered to try cases of Christian divorce.

One of the other remedy available to the Christians are to file a nullity petition which means to have the marriage null & void. Nullity petition also have a limited scope and there are limited grounds on which it can be filed. Grounds of nullity petition in Pakistan are Marriage between prohibited degrees, Impotency, Lunacy, and Idiocy at the time of marriage. A case of judicial separation can also be filed by the wife and the husband at the same time have the right to contest the divorce & the nullity petition. The court is bound to hear both the parties when the case is contested by the husband or the wife.

To go through the Christian divorce procedure in Pakistan the very first thing the party needs to do is to hire a competent Christian divorce lawyer in Islamabad. Advocate Fahad Khan is an expert in Christian divorce procedure in Islamabad Pakistan and till now have dealt in hundreds of Christian divorces. Christian divorce procedure in Pakistan is a bit complicated and not all the lawyers are competent enough to understand the Christian divorce procedure in Islamabad Pakistan therefore SNA Law Associates in Islamabad Pakistan is the best place where you can have your case done because lots of technicalities are involved in the Christian divorce and only a competent Christian divorce lawyer in Islamabad such as Advocate Faahad Sadhuzai know the standard of proof required in the divorce case in order to establish the case beyond all reasonable doubts. So if your looking to file or contest any case related to Christian divorce, Nullity petition, Separation or protection order you can feel free to contact Advocate Fahad Sadhuzai who is an expert in all kinds of Christian family cases in Islamabad Pakistan including Procedure of divorce in Christianity. For Christian divorce procedure in Islamabad Pakistan you can contact us as we can follow the procedure of divorce in Christianity legally. Our Christian divorce lawyer in Islamabad Pakistan is an expert in Christian divorce in Pakistan.